Module markov.auth.auth0_authprovider_impl
class Auth0AuthProvider (domain: str, client_id: str, token_audience: str)
Implementation of AuthProvider interface with Auth0.
- AuthProvider
- abc.ABC
Static methods
def base64_url_decode(jwt_token)
def get_id_token()
def remove_saved_credentials()
Remove saved tokens from the secret store.
def authenticate_with_code(self, code_verifier: str, code: str)
Takes code_verifier and code from the response of Auth0's /authorize API.
- verifier for the PKCE challenge used to generate authorize code.
- code generated by Auth0's /authorize API.
On successful authentication returns an object of type Auth0AuthenticationResponse containing refresh_token, access_token, scope, access token expiry, and token type
def fetch_and_save_latest_tokens(self)
def get_access_token(self)
def get_decoded_identity(self) ‑> Dict
def refresh_token_login(self, refresh_token: str)
Login using a refresh_token.
class Auth0AuthorizeParams (authorize_url: str, code_verifier: str)
Parameters for OAuth 2.0 grant request with PKCE.
Once a code challenge, and verifier pair have been created app must send the user to an authorization url for consent at the requested permissions level. On successful grant an authorization code is sent in the callback. The authorization code, along with code_verifier can be exchanged for access and refresh tokens.
More details about the flow here:
Class variables
Code verifier to be sent along with authorization code to get access and refresh token
var code_verifier : str
class Auth0TokenResponse (access_token: str, id_token: str, expires_in: int, refresh_token: str, scope: str, token_type: str)
Response from Auth0's /oauth/token API.
Class variables
var access_token : str
var expires_in : int
var id_token : str
var refresh_token : str
var scope : str
var token_type : str