Module markov.api.cli.cli_utils


def create_mkv_config(config_profiles: List[ConfigProfile]) ‑> str

Creates MKV config file at ~/


config_profiles : List[ConfigProfile]
List of ConfigProfile objects.


config path (str): Path to the config file.

def get_profile_by_workspace_id(workspace_id: str) ‑> ConfigProfile
def list_all_config_profiles() ‑> List[ConfigProfile]
def load_environment_variables()
def questionary_custom_style()


class ConfigProfile (base_url: str, user_id: str, team_id: str, workspace_id: str, workspace_name: str, profile: str = '')

ConfigProfile(base_url: 'str', user_id: 'str', team_id: 'str', workspace_id: 'str', workspace_name: 'str', profile: 'str' = '')

Class variables

var base_url : str
var profile : str
var team_id : str
var user_id : str
var workspace_id : str
var workspace_name : str

Static methods

def from_dict(kvs: Union[dict, list, str, int, float, bool, ForwardRef(None)], *, infer_missing=False) ‑> ~A
def from_json(s: Union[str, bytes, bytearray], *, parse_float=None, parse_int=None, parse_constant=None, infer_missing=False, **kw) ‑> ~A
def get_workspace_id_from_friendly_name(friendly_name: str) ‑> str
def schema(*, infer_missing: bool = False, only=None, exclude=(), many: bool = False, context=None, load_only=(), dump_only=(), partial: bool = False, unknown=None) ‑>[~A]


def friendly_identifier(self)
def to_dict(self, encode_json=False) ‑> Dict[str, Union[dict, list, str, int, float, bool, ForwardRef(None)]]
def to_json(self, *, skipkeys: bool = False, ensure_ascii: bool = True, check_circular: bool = True, allow_nan: bool = True, indent: Union[int, str, ForwardRef(None)] = None, separators: Optional[Tuple[str, str]] = None, default: Optional[Callable] = None, sort_keys: bool = False, **kw) ‑> str